Use "rage|rages" in a sentence

1. Her sudden towering rages were terrifying.

2. Ian's rages and aberrant behavior worsened.

3. Swine flu rages . Nukes proliferate . Bailouts beget bailouts.

4. Galactic war rages between Amoeban Paranoids and all-female Solnoids

5. His mother had a patient who habitually flew into rages.

6. 22 Meanwhile, the domestic debate on Denmark's future role in Europe rages on.

7. A storm rages that night, bringing heavy winds and choppy seas.

8. One hour later the storm still rages with no sign of abatement.

9. While controversy rages, Stan, unruffled by the fuss, keeps looking for fossils.

10. Rage, cannibalism, multiple fatalities.

11. So let's rage!

12. Though tribulations rage abroad,

13. This rage afflicted Hercules.

14. Its symptom is rage.

15. We need to stop acting as agents of rage and calling for days of rage.

16. Though the storm will rage

17. She was crimson with rage.

18. She was speechless with rage.

19. Suddenly Charles exploded with rage.

20. Laura was speechless with rage.

21. She blazed with impotent rage.

22. He was stuttering with rage.

23. She is possessed with rage.

24. Bugbear 5e is a very short tempered creature and can easily fly into rages

25. He turned purple with rage.

26. He is champing with rage.

27. Let the storm rage on

28. His rage was beyond restraint.

29. It's obviously hard to tell after the fact, but the rages and the alcohol addiction...

30. He was incandescent with rage.

31. He was choking with rage.

32. His rage was beginning to subside.

33. His voice was quivering with rage.

34. She flew into a howling rage.

35. Mary was quite stupefied with rage.

36. Their debate on Labour's plight rages far above the brawling oratory in the conference hall.

37. The blood fuels the rage.

38. His voice trembled with rage.

39. To overreach is to rage.

40. She was incandescent with rage.

41. A PASSIONATE PILGRIM HENRY JAMES A like fate awaits him and the two rages Commingle …

42. Synonyms for Animadverts include fulminates, rages, criticises, criticizes, denounces, thunders, censures, rants, protests and rails

43. To roar; bawl: Bellowing with rage

44. To roar; bawl: Bellowing with rage

45. Aloetical Iranian judge on its rage

46. His face was dark with rage.

47. “A Theology of Rage and Hatred”

48. He was apoplectic with rage/fury.

49. Crew-cut Jay, bristling with rage.

50. The colonel was apoplectic with rage.

51. And a hidden bribe,* fierce rage.

52. Puddephat was incandescent with rage, apparently.

53. His face turned purple with rage.

54. His voice was choking with rage.

55. 11 He was gibbering with rage.

56. He gave a bellow of rage.

57. Her face turned puce with rage.

58. He was left simmering with rage.

59. Adaunted the rage of a lyon savage.

60. Wildgame Innovations Acorn Rage Attractant - 16 lbs

61. I seethed with a totally irrational rage.

62. She was possessed by a consuming rage.

63. His face was Contorted with rage

64. Only absolute rage and unparalleled power.

65. All the anger, all the rage,

66. “My Great Rage Will Flare Up”

67. 21 Nothing could abate his rage.

68. Chadian forces head to flashpoint border zone among Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso as violence rages

69. What could I offer you, but a bad temper, hypochondriasis, morbid fixations, reclusive rages and misanthropy?

70. Strike King Rage Denny Brauer Craw

71. His face was purple with rage.

72. He felt like crying with rage.

73. His face was contorted with rage.

74. He quivered all over with rage.

75. We call it the blood rage.

76. But I couldn't stop the rage.

77. He was in a towering rage.

78. His face was convulsed with rage.

79. His face was distorted by rage.

80. His face was puce with rage.